Frequently Asked Questions

When and where are classes?

Classes meet at The Connection Church in Buda, Tx from 8:30am-2:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays (2 day program) and Tuesdays-Thursdays (3 day program).

What does a non-school day look like for the students?

Students receive one-on-one instruction during their 2-3 days on campus. They are required to complete daily work on their own time (approximately 3 hours) outside of the classroom during the week. CA teachers will monitor progress and set daily goals for each student. To succeed in this program, parents should be prepared to keep their student committed to progress.

Is this a homeschool program?

CA is a hybrid program that utilizes homeschool curriculum, but additionally provides a classroom setting, socialization, instruction, and guidance from certified teachers. Our curriculum is fully accredited according to the State of Texas.

Which curriculum do you use?

We use Abeka Curriculum for a comprehensive Language Arts program. It has a strong phonics based approach but is expansive in its scope and sequence.

For Mathematics we use Singapore Math for a wholistic approach to learning and developing their math skills.

We use The Good and Beautiful Curriculum for engaging Science and Social Studies instruction from a Christian World View.

What advantages does this program have over other schools?

Connection Academy offers a Christian private school experience for a fraction of the private school cost. In addition, the flexibility of the student's schedule allows them to pursue work, sports, or any other outside interest without creating tension on the family schedule. Unlike traditional homeschooling, CA offers a classroom setting, instruction by qualified teachers, and mentorship by proven Christian leaders.

Can my student register mid-year?

Yes, if there are openings available. Feel free to contact us for an academic counseling appointment.